Ms. Woodley's

Course Standards

Welcome to the digital version of our classroom. Here, you will be able to find our class calendar, important links and materials to reference.

Classroom Standards

I hope that...

We are a community of learners.

We are a community of thinkers.

We are a community that reaches out to and among each other to grow as human beings and academics every day.

In order to best serve these ideals, we have to agree to behave in a way which suits a classroom environment and shows respect for every voice in the room. It is important that we remember that every person in the room has the right to learn and, therefore, needs access to the texts, lessons and workshops that we have the opportunity to explore.

If you are having difficulty...

You are a young adult on the cusp of the responsibilities and decisions that will define your adult life. Therefore, it important that you begin to take things in your own hands. I am here every day before school and after school, as needed, in room 214. I am also available at the BEGINNING of lunch every day except Thursday. You are welcome to come ask questions whenever you need to.

You can also email me at:

If you miss a deadline...

It is important that you manage your time and complete tasks within the window of time provided. If you do not use the time given for work, you will not be able to request an extended deadline. If your work is late, it will be marked as such and this decision may affect your grade for the marking period.

  • Work in grade 11 may not be submitted more than one week past the due date unless permission is given. Work may be redone with teacher permission.

  • Work for AP literature cannot be submitted or redone past the subsequent progress report or grade deadline for the marking period.

Absent from school? Here are your responsibilities...

If you are out for one day, you are expected to keep out with the work in class. Assignments are posted in classroom and so are materials, so you can keep up with what happened on any given day. This is especially true when you are out on a school trip. You can get the work done ahead of time if you remind me. Email me any questions regarding the work for clarification.

If you miss a review for a test, there is an assumption that you will complete it and take the test online unless you contact me via email or before school to request an extra day for extenuating circumstances.

If you are out for multiple days due to illness/emergency it is essential that you shoot me an email when you are able to so that you know what needs to be made up and we can plan an appropriate timeline for making up the work/assignments. This is also true if you need an extension on work for extenuating circumstances.

If you are going on vacation and are aware that you will be absent, you must let me know ahead of time via email as soon as possible, especially if you won't have access to WiFi, so that you have the work ahead of time. Without this, you will not be given extended time on the work upon your return.