Period 9-Algebra 1 Honors

ALGEBRA 1 Honors/Period 9



Supplies: All students should be prepared each day with a chromebook/textbook (online access will be available), notebook, and PENCIL! Notes and homework will be given each day. A calculator is recommended for the times you are allowed to use one. It is important to have your own calculator so you are familiar with its features.

Homework: Homework will be assigned and checked daily. The amount will vary. Each homework assignment must have the date and page number listed. Each homework assignment belongs in a notebook or binder.

Google Classroom: All homework assignments and upcoming assessments will be posted on Google Classroom. In addition, reminders of tests/quizzes and due dates will also be posted. I will occasionally include useful links for you as well.

Sub Assignments: In the event that I am absent an assignment will be posted in google classroom. Sometimes this assignment will be given a grade and other times the assignment will be checked as a homework assignment. Either way the assignment given is to be completed.

Grades: Your grade will be determined by a combination of the following: quizzes/tests/projects (announced 1-2 days in advance), homework, and classwork/participation.

Assessments (quizzes, tests, projects): 60%

Homework/Classwork: 30%

Preparedness (present in class and on time, prepared with chromebook/notebook) 10%

All grades will be posted to the Student Portal.

Attendance: Please adhere to the school attendance policy, page 3 in the Code of Student Conduct:

Lates: Please adhere to the school policy, page 5 in the Code of Student Conduct:

Extra Help: Please keep on top of your studies and ask for help RIGHT AWAY if the need arises. Please reach out to me anytime. I can meet with you before school or after school in room 04. I can also meet you at the times below:

Make-up Work: It is your responsibility to make up work when you are absent. All assignments will be posted in classroom and it will be your responsibility to make up these assignments. Quizzes/tests should be made up in a timely manner. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test you will be expected to make it up the day you return. If you are absent for several days a plan will be worked out between you and me.

Student ID’s: Please be sure to have your student ID with you each day. It is needed to access the bathroom, nurse’s office, guidance office, etc.

If you cut class on the day of a quiz or test you will

receive a 0 on that quiz or test.