Mrs. Basioli's Business Classes

Mrs. Basioli has been a teacher at Cliffside Park High School for the last 6 years. In that time, she has ingrained himself into the Cliffside Park learning community. She currently advises the DECA chapter at CPHS and the beauty club.

Prior to teaching, Mrs. Basioli worked over 15 years in the financial services industry. During her time in the industry, she had various roles ranging from assisting clients with securities trading and risk management to managing product-marketing programs targeting independent registered investment advisors. Additionally, she had the opportunity to obtain her series 7, 9, 10, 63, 65 securities licenses with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

Mrs. Basioli website is filled with resources for students, and their parents/guardians. You can find a page for each individual subject that Mrs. Basioli teaches, a page for current notes for her classes, a page with the links to her google classroom pages, and a page for all the current assignments including due dates. The intent behind this site is to allow students, as well as their families, to remain in the know, even if they are not present for the school day.