Reading Horizons

Parent & Caregiver Letters

The majority of our CCS elementary students in grades K-2 receive daily phonics instruction through Reading Horizons Discovery. Lessons are designed to teach students the skills they need to read, write, and learn. 

Some schools are also using this curriculum in third grade. We will be at full implementation of Reading Horizons in grades K-2 at all of our schools by the 

2024-2025 school year.

Family & Caregiver  Letter (English)

Family & Caregiver Letter (Spanish)

Reading Horizons Instruction 

Reading Horizons Discovery gives teachers a simple and comprehensive method of instruction to help students learn learn to read and spell words. With this phonics curriculum, students develop automatic word recognition and spelling skills while building fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Reading Horizons Discovery Marking System

This chart provides definitions and examples of terms/markings used in Reading Horizons lessons. These markings help students apply and learn spelling patterns throughout the school year.

If you would like to learn more, please talk to your child’s teacher, or go to