A Federal Program Review Committee meets each year to determine how Title I funds will be used to ensure the greatest impact on student achievement in Cleveland County Schools. The committee includes various stakeholders: district office staff, school administrators, teachers and parents. Research indicates positive, long-term outcomes are demonstrated by children from economically disadvantaged homes who received a high-quality, early education. Based on this knowledge, the committee chose to direct Title I funds to support early intervention and rank order eligible schools by grade span. For the upcoming school year, all elementary and intermediate schools will be served as school-wide programs.

School-wide  programs have the flexibility to use Title I funds, in conjunction with other funds, to address school improvement efforts.  School-wide programs must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, develop a school improvement plan that addresses the identified needs through goals and action steps,  and conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the school-wide program that is revised as needed.

Lee Howell, Principal

Robin Durham, Title I Lead Teacher

Chris Hall, Principal

Kristin Monroe & Heather Poston, Title I Lead Teachers

Lindsay Mays, Principal

Karen Gold, Title I Lead Teacher

Kimberley Kepner, Principal

Tracy Sparks, Title I Lead Teacher

Heather Pagan, Principal

Rebecca Padgett, Title I Advisor

Darnelle Shear, Title I Teacher Assistant

Dr. Kim Greene, Principal

Lori Cumm & Jennenne Hunnell, Title I Lead Teachers

Brandy Curtis, Principal

Renee Woody Title I Lead Teacher

Miriam Harvey, Principal

Jessica Price, Title I Lead Teacher

Christopher Dow, Principal

Ava Bradley, Title I Advisor

Amy Moss, Principal

Nicole Ruppe & Morgan Luangsay Title I Lead Teachers

Andrew Ruppe, Principal

Lisa Batchler, Title I Lead Teacher

Hannah Moore, Title I Teacher Assistant

Lori Wilbanks, Principal

Jill Nolen, Title I Lead Teacher

Dr. Dustin Bridges, Principal

Traci Hoppes & Leigh Ann West, Title I Lead Teachers

Brandi Edwards, Principal

Megan Gorski , Title I Lead Teacher

Dr. Amy Jones, Principal

Emily Parker, Title I Lead Teacher

Holly Robinson, Principal

Alesa Doty, Title I Lead Teacher

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