
Tōtara Maths Online-2022

Totara team MATHS

These resources are also organised into familiar chilli one, two and three levels of challenge. If your child finds the problem easy you can move up to the next chilli level or move down if the problem is too difficult. Each day pick one or two activities to work on. Try to select a range so that each day you do some Mathseeds, problem-solving or maths games.

Maths Online Learning - Pohutukawa - 2022

Pohutukawa team MATHS

The slideshow on the left contains a suggested timetable and resources that you can access each day. Please read the instructions carefully and watch each explanation video with a family member. Wellbeing is a priority and we recommend that you take regular short breaks throughout the day. Posting to Seesaw is preferred as we would love to see what you have done. It is most important that you are completing some learning from each area. Please contact your teacher if you need any help.

Kauri Maths Online Learning 2022


These resources are also organised into familiar chilli one, two and three levels of challenge. Each day pick one or two activities to work on. Try to select a range so that each day you do some Mathletics, problem-solving and maths games or basic facts.

Kōwhai Maths Online Learning 2022

Kowhai team MATHS

These resources are also organised into familiar chilli one, two and three levels of challenge. Each day pick one or two activities to work on. Some activities may take more than a day. Carefully read the instructions and/or links provided to help you. When you have done your best, post these to Seesaw in your 'Maths' folder or email them to your teacher for feedback.