Global Ideas

Pitch Competition

We put out a call for the most innovative, early cleantech startups from around the world, based outside the USA..

They joined the winners of the Cleantech Open France competition from September 2022.

The result was the Global Ideas Top 20 Semi Finalists from 11 countries. After pitching to panels of judges (all on Zoom!), they were narrowed down to the Top 6 Global Ideas Finalists.

All Top 6 Finalists will either present live or show a 1 minute quick-pitch video at the CTO Global Forum Awards Luncheon.

Thursday 10/6:
Winner and Runner-Up Announced
Congratulations to

Winner: Fairmat (France)
"Recycle carbon fiber composite to re-use in composite material applications"
Runner-Up: Eranova (France)
"Create an alternative to plastics fossil using seaweed with patented process"
People's Choice: Godaam Innovations Pvt Ltd (India)

"Introducing technology to empower onion farmers to increase their holding capacity and revenue."

The Winner receives $5,000 USD cash prize and Runner-Up receives $1,000 USD.

Thursday 10/6:

Top 6 Global Ideas Finalists Pitched

Godaam Innovations Pvt Ltd (India)

Eranova (France)


Fairmat (France)

Carrus Mobility Pvt Ltd (India)

GoRolloe (UK)

Monday 10/3:

Top 20 Semi Finalists Pitched (private)

Top 20 Semi Finalists:

Announced 9/30/2022

AC Biode (Luxembourg)

ASTRAE (Nigeria)

BryoSphere Biotechnologies (Canada )

Carbon Power Mexico (Mexico)

Carrus Mobility Pvt Ltd (India)

Ekatvam Innovations Private limited (India)

ENERGO (France)

Eranova (France)

Fairmat (France)

Godaam Innovations Pvt Ltd (India)

GoRolloe (United Kingdom)

GWILEN (France)

Ignitos Space (Zambia)

M4T (Brazil)


Renergizr Industries Private Limited (India)

seah4 (South Africa)

Troopy (France)

Vesatogo Innovations Private Limited (India)

XIZAN Energy (Spain)