Creating Graphs with Vernier Graphical Analysis

The image below offers a summary of the steps you need to take in order to create a nice-looking graph using Vernier Graphical Analysis. Checklist that your graph looks good:

  • the x-axis has a label with both physical quantity and units (see step 1 if not)

  • the y-axis has a label with both physical quantity and units (see step 1 if not)

  • the graph has a title (see step 6 if not)

  • the origin is visible (see part two of step 6 if not)

  • there is a curve fit (see step 5 if not)

  • the box which shows the curve fit parameters is visible (drag it up or down if not)

    • Note: It is okay if that box covers your data a little bit.

  • You did not screenshot the graph. Instead you exported a PNG image as stated in step 7.

    • This makes the font much bigger and easier to read when you upload the graph to your lab report.