Student Dismissal Videos:
Dismissal Videos & Information
Dismissal Videos & Information
Bus Rider, Daycare, and Walker Dismissal Videos

Bus Rider /Daycare - Lower Grades Hallway
Bus Rider /Daycare - Lower Grades Hallway
Carruthess, Grant, Heard, Jenkins, Miller, Little, M. Patterson

Bus Rider /Daycare - Back Lower Grades Hallway
Bus Rider /Daycare - Back Lower Grades Hallway
Baker, S. Davis, Dong

Bus Rider /Daycare - Upper Grades Hallway
Bus Rider /Daycare - Upper Grades Hallway
Barrow, Craddock, Hunter, Lomas, Mahone, Patrick, Reid, Strauss, Ward, Whyte
Car Rider Dismissal
Students will be escorted by the designated grade level personnel to the gym and monitored while they sit at their numbers located on the walls.
Students will proceed to exit the gym to the car rider lane.
Students must have a dismissal card when entering the gym.
In order to be released to the car rider lane, students must place their car rider card into the container at the gym's exit door.