The School Counseling Program

School Counseling Program's Mission & Vision Statement

The mission of Harper Elementary School Guidance and Counseling Department is to provide a comprehensive counseling program aligned with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model, HB-186, and HB 713. We will promote student achievement, socially, academically, and emotionally by empowering students to achieve academic and personal goals.

The vision of the counseling department at Harper Elementary is to be a school of high performance and provide resources and support for students while advocating to promote academic achievement. As the counselor, my primary goal is to assist students with the understanding that in order to live and compete successfully in a global society, a foundation must be set in place:

Program Goals

School counselors use data to lay the foundation for the development, implementation and assessments of the school counseling program and interventions. Data sources include the school counseling needs assessment, the School Improvement Plan, SLDS and the School Report Card. The goals that you see listed below were created based on the review of our school's data. These goals will drive the focus of the school counseling program.

Goal 1: Improve student attendance

Goal 2: Increase awareness of SEL- Social emotional learning

Goal 3: Improve the scholars ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships

Classroom Guidance

Classroom guidance lessons are provided to all students at least once a month. Topics are selected based on the analysis of school data, the School Improvement Plan, SEL, and the SC Needs Assessment.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy towards others and establish and maintain productive relationships.

All Grades: Introduction to the School Counselor

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

All Grades: Bullying Awareness

Red Ribbon Week- Saying No to Drugs

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

KK - 2nd:

3rd - 5th:

Individual & Small Group Counseling

Individual and small group counseling sessions are provided throughout the school year. Students can receive this support through referrals from the counselors, teachers, administrators or themselves.

This year's small groups will be based on student needs as determined by a review of school data and/or the needs assessment. Examples of small group topics include,but are not limited to self-regulation, coping skills, divorce and grief.

Consultations & Collaborations

Our over-arching goal is to provide services that have a positive impact on student success. In order to go that we consult with various stakeholders (ex, teachers andparents) and collaborate in the development of individual, family, classroom and school-wide interventions.

Counseling Enrollment & Post-Secondary Readiness Strategic Goals

The strategic goals of the Clayton County Public School Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program include:

  • Alignment of the program with the American School Counselor Association National Standards and the Georgia Quality Core Curriculum Standards for Guidance and Counseling

  • Assist in reducing the student dropout, failure and school absenteeism rates

  • Assist students in understanding and respecting themselves and others, behaving responsibly in school and in the community

  • Assist students in making wise choices, managing change successfully, and in communicating effectively to solve problems

  • Assist students in career planning and preparation by identifying the resources needed for academic preparation and post-secondary options