School Bus Information
Bus Drivers:
Mr. Stephen Melton - Bus #14
Mr. Kim Baskett - Bus #10
Ms. Lamanda Carmen- Bus #3
The main objective of the bus drivers at Hermitage Springs School is the safety of our students. Please help us keep them as safe as possible.
Please help by following the rules below:
*Remember that the driver is always in charge on the bus.
*Follow all bus rules.
*Do not pass a bus on the road or in the school parking lot while their stop sign is
*Watch for darting students when driving on campus.
*When unloading and picking up, please enter through the gym gate drive and exit through the gate at the highway.
*Unload all students grades K-8 not riding a bus at the covered front porch. Anyone dropped off before 7:30 must report to daycare.
*The afternoon pick-up line begins behind the buses and loads after buses leave.
*Talk to your child about BUS SAFETY!!!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school or refer to the Busing Section of the Student Handbook.