About CAM

The Classical Association of Minnesota was founded in 1981.

Every teacher of Classics resident or employed in the state of Minnesota is considered a member of CAM. Others interested in the Classics may become members by declaring their interest to any officer. There are currently ca. 120 CAM members.

CAM sponsors an annual meeting for both its members and the general public that includes a nationally prominent speaker who usually delivers three lectures: one at the University of Minnesota, one at a liberal arts college, and one at the meeting.

In addition, CAM publishes a newsletter with news and about activities and accomplishments of its members and announcements of upcoming events. It also maintains a website with links to Minnesota universities, colleges, and high schools that offer Greek, Latin, and Classics.

CAM's purpose is to promote the study of both the classical languages and other aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity in the schools, colleges, and universities of the region and, through an active organization of teachers, to help students of the Classics obtain the maximum benefit from their studies.