Athletic Training Student Aides

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an athletic training student aide?

Athletic training student aides are minors in high school that participate in an athletic training experience under the supervision of secondary school athletic trainers. (IJAHSP)

What kind of things does a student aide do?

Some of the responsibilities of student-aides are:

  • Pre-practice/game set-up - including setting up water coolers

  • Training room help - Ipad checkins, assisting athletes with equipment, cleaning

  • First aid (if certified) during practices and games

How do I become a student aide?

Anyone interested in being an athletic training student aide should contact the athletic training staff since numbers are limited. A student must fill out the application and be selected to be a part of the LSW athletic training student aide program. Once a student has been selected to join the program a parent consent letter will also need to be completed. Both of these forms can be found under the Student Aides Forms tab.

Can I letter in Athletic Training?

Yes, lettering is reserved for student aides who work 2 sports season in a school year. Seniors may earn a letter with only one season of athletic training if they are also a multi-sport athlete.