
These resources have been curated by LPS Library Services to support curriculum topics. Please pre-read to make sure the content matches your specific instructional goals.

Light and Matter

Learning about Matter


Matter and How it Changes

Matter and its Properties

The Science of Life Photosynthesis

States of Matter in the Real World

Thermal Energy


Green Buildings


Solar Energy

Weather, Climate and Water Cycling

Climate Scientists

Earth in Action: Tsunamis

Fluffy, Flat, and Wet

Food, Water, and Climate Change

How Do Tornadoes Form?

How to Survive a Hurricane

How to Survive a Tornado


Learning about Weather

Living with Climate Change

Melting Arctic Ice

Natural Cycles and climate Change

Nature's Fireworks

Oceans and Climate Change

Rumble, Boom!


Understanding Climate Change

Weather and Climate Change


Cells and Heredity

The Cell Cycle

Cells to Organ Systems

Gene Therapy

Genetics: Unlocking the Secrets of Life

The Science of Life Cells

Traits and Heredity