
These resources have been curated by LPS Library Services to support curriculum topics. Please pre-read to make sure the content matches your specific instructional goal.


Awesome Infographics: Plants πŸ”ŠΒ 

Biomes - FactCite 123 πŸ”Š

Boreal Forests πŸ”Š

Boreal Forests πŸ”Š

Caves πŸ”Š

Caves πŸ”Š

Chaparrals πŸ”Š

Chaparrals πŸ”Š

Coral Reefs πŸ”Š

Deciduous Forests πŸ”Š

Los Bosques Caducifolios (Deciduous Forests: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Deciduous Forests πŸ”Š

Los Bosques Caducifolios (Deciduous Forest: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Deserts πŸ”Š

Los Desiertos (The Desert: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Deserts πŸ”Š

DesertsΒ  πŸ”Š

Los Desiertos (Deserts: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Grasslands πŸ”Š

Las Praderas (Grasslands: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Grasslands πŸ”Š

Las Praderas (Grasslands: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Grasslands πŸ”Š

Habitat πŸ”Š

Lakes πŸ”Š

Los Lagos (Lakes: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Mountains πŸ”Š

Mountains πŸ”Š

Mountains πŸ”Š

Nebraska πŸ”Š

Nebraska πŸ”Š

Los OcΓ©anos (Oceans: Spanish)πŸ”Š

OceansΒ  πŸ”Š

Oceans πŸ”Š

Los Oceanos (Oceans: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Oceans πŸ”Š

Plants πŸ”Š


Rainforests πŸ”Š

Rainforests πŸ”Š

RainforestsΒ  πŸ”Š

Seeds πŸ”Š

Tundras πŸ”Š

Tundras πŸ”Š

Wetlands πŸ”Š

Los Pantanos (Wetlands: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Wetlands πŸ”Š

Los Pantanos (Wetlands: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Chimney Rock

Did a Dinosaur Drink This Water? πŸ”Š

What Shapes the Earth? Gravity πŸ”Š

Que da forma a la Tierra? La Gravedad (What Shapes the Earth? Gravity: Spanish) πŸ”Š

How Earthquakes Shape the Earth πŸ”Š

How Water Shapes the Earth πŸ”Š

How Water Shapes the Earth πŸ”Š

How Wind Shapes the Earth πŸ”Š

How Wind Shapes the Earth πŸ”Š

How Volcanoes Shape the Earth πŸ”Š



What Shapes the Earth? Ice πŸ”Š

Que da forma a la Tierra: El Hielo (What Shapes the Earth? Ice: Spanish) πŸ”Š

WaterΒ  πŸ”Š

Agua (Water: Spanish) πŸ”Š

What shapes the Earth? Wind πŸ”Š

Matter Changes

Curious Pearl Explains States of Matter πŸ”Š

Examining Mixtures and Solutions

Exploring Matter and Physical Changes

Gases πŸ”Š

Gases πŸ”Š

Learning about Matter πŸ”Š

Los Gases (Gases: Spanish)πŸ”ŠΒ 

Liquids πŸ”Š

Los Liquidos (Liquids: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Liquids πŸ”Š

Matter and How it Changes πŸ”Š

Matter and its PropertiesΒ  πŸ”Š

Solids πŸ”Š

Los SΓ³lidos (Solids: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Solids πŸ”Š

Understanding Chemical Reactions


How Engineering Affects Our Everyday Lives πŸ”ŠΒ 

How Engineers Build Models πŸ”ŠΒ 

How Engineers Find SolutionsΒ  πŸ”ŠΒ 

How Engineers Solve Problems πŸ”Š

Plants Around the World πŸ”Š

Soil πŸ”Š

El Suelo (Soil: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Soil πŸ”Š

True or False? Weird Plants πŸ”Š