How can I help my student practice?

Students must play their instrument at home every week.

To feel confident and be able to play the music for this class, students must practice their instrument at least 5 different times a week. Your student should have brought home a schedule for when they are going to play their instrument. Come up with a plan and hold each other accountable!

Practice time suggestions

In between matches of Fortnite, Rocket League, Pokemon, etc.

During commercial breaks or ads on TV/Streaming.

Right before, after, or in the middle of homework.

Right before or after supper.

Before bed, or after getting ready in the morning.

How To Practice!

Students have a practice log where they keep track of their assignments and how much they practice. Here is an example of an assignment for the week. Every time a student practices each part of the assignment well, they should place a tally mark beneath that part. 

Warm Up: This is something easy that students should start their practice session with. It's just something to get their fingers and their brains working.

Review: This material will have been in a previous lesson and should be looked over again.

Focus: The content in the Focus section is what the student should be looking at the most. Students will be expected to come to class being able to play this material all the way through without stopping.

Fun: Students get to pick their favorite song for the week and play!

Note Reading Help

If your student is struggling with reading notes, utilize their flash cards, or go to the Resources tab above!