Pollinator Garden

This page is strictly dedicated to the native pollinator garden established at LSW. Below you will find a variety of pictures of the site preparation, planting and a full summer's worth of growth. Further information about the site, the process and the future of the garden can be found on this page as well. Click on the Native Prairie Plants Link below to learn about our plants.

Summer Growth


Click through the images below please to view the changes for the first summer of growth!

The pollinator garden growth & maintenance!

Updated 2021 August: Click on the pictures below to scroll through progress!


Now the kids water the plants until they are established well enough to leave alone. The students are eager to see the summer growth and the various bloom times of the plants. native pollinators have a new stopping place thanks to the enthusiasm of high school students, the Nebraska Wildlife Federation and the permission from LPS.

Finished and ready for the weed suppression tarp.

Tarp over area and waiting for the live plants on May 11, 2019