Curriculum,  Courses & Science Progression

Science Careers Outlined in course work here at LPS:

Click the links below to learn about what courses we have at LSW that can help you gain insight into the following science careers.

Medical Field Interest

Environmental Field Interest

Pharmacy/Chemistry Field Interest

Animal Science Field Interest

Physics/Engineering Field Interest

Below are the electives offered here at LSW and the prerequisites required to take those courses.  Pictures associated with them are of actual class work or projects.

AP Physics

2 term AP physics class with prerequisite: Diff or General physics (see bottom of page for the prerequisite class

AP Biology

2 Term AP Bio class with prerequisites: Chemistry AND Biology

AP Chemistry

2 Term AP Chem course with prerequisites: Biology AND Chemistry

AP Environmental Science

2 Term AP Environmental Science course with prerequisites: Biology AND Chemistry

Advanced Chemistry

1 term intro to organic chem course with prerequisite: Diff or Gen Chemistry

Human Anatomy & Physiology

2 Term Human A & P course with prerequisite: Diff or Gen Biology

1 term Animal Behavior course with prerequisite: Diff or Gen Biology


1 term Botany (plant) course with prerequisite: Diff or Gen Biology


1 term Zoology (animal) course with prerequisite: Diff or Gen Biology

Medical Terminology

1 term Med Terms course. This is an upper level course for Juniors and Seniors.  


1 term intro into Forensic Science course with prerequisites: Diff or Gen Biology AND Diff or Gen Chemistry

1 term health science survey course for Sophomores (10th) and above. Prerequisite is to be a 10th grader or higher. **click on the link to see a video about the class**

Diff/General Physics

This is a 2 term class taken during your 11th and 12th grade year.  Prerequisite is Advanced Algebra or higher.