Parent & Players Communication

Parent & Players Communication

Communication is vital to the success of any team or organization. There are many ways that we communicate information to our players and parents in this program. Here are the tools we use to communicate and how to access them:

• LNE Website

On the website you will find season information, game schedules when they become available and/or are updated, announcements, and other information regarding the program.

• Remind App

All messages will be sent to players using the Remind app. Players and parents will be able to sign up and receive information regarding what is happening with the teams. The coaches will provide the sign-up information at the start of the season.

• Booster Club/Team Mass Email List

Jen Gillett will be using emails to communicate with parents regarding important dates (season celebrations, etc.), booster club meetings, and other information regarding the program and season.

LNE Soccer Teams:

Reserve Soccer –The Reserve team’s goal is to give all players more playing time while learning the skills needed to play at the JV level. Reserve players may be asked to move up to JV at some point during the season due to situations like performing well at that level or injuries at the JV level. Game time participation is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the coaching staff.

JV Soccer –The JV team’s goal is to give all players more playing time while learning the skills needed to play at the Varsity level. JV players may be asked to move up to Varsity at some point during the season due to situations like performing well at that level or injuries at the Varsity level. Game time participation is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the coaching staff.

Varsity Soccer – The players that give us the best chance to win the game will play, regardless of age or class. We have had several Freshmen play at the Varsity level over the years. We do aim to get all players in every game, but it may not always happen. The coaching staff determines which players are the best choice to play in each game. Game time participation is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the coaching staff.

The team you start the season on is not necessarily the team you will stay on all season. A player may also be asked to play for either the JV or Varsity teams throughout the season. Your performance at practice and games determines team and playing time.

Playing Time or Positions Played

There will NOT be any meetings or discussions between parents and coaches about playing time, positions played, the level your son plays at (Reserve, JV, Varsity), or awards given out (MVP, MIP, etc.). The answer to those questions will always be “It is what our coaching staff has determined is best for the needs of the team and our program.”

Late or Unexcused Absence from Practice

For coaches to effectively plan a practice and for the team to function properly all players need to be on time and present for all practices. Being late or unexcused from practice not only affects the player’s ability to learn, but also affects the team. If this situation occurs, consequences will be determined by the coaching staff on a situational basis. Consequences could include, but are not limited to, loss of playing time. It is important to schedule all appointments and family events outside of the scheduled practice time. Please refer to the information on the website for these dates and times. If your son is on the Varsity team, please ensure all dates noted on the website are clear so that your son can attend all commitments until the end of the season.

To be considered excused from practice the head coach of the team you are on must be notified in advance, preferably through a text on the Remind app. Having another player tell the coach you will be absent from practice is unacceptable and results in an unexcused absence. Players who are injured are still expected to attend all practices and team functions.

PLEASE NOTE: This season’s schedule may change (possible delays, cancellations, or rescheduling of games) due to COVID concerns. We thank you in advance for your flexibility during these uncertain times. Check the season game schedule frequently for changes. Last minute changes will be reported out to parents and players via a message on the Remind App.

Cut/Team Placement Policy

Player cuts and team placement will be at the discretion of the coaches at try-outs.

Player Expectations:




If I violate this Handbook, in whole or in part, I will allow the Coaching Staff, Administration, and/or the Athletic Director to decide the appropriate disciplinary actions, including dismissal from the team if necessary, and I will respect their decision.

Social Media Policy & Guidelines for Boys Soccer Players

Playing soccer for LNE High School is a privilege. Soccer players at LNE High School are viewed as role models in the school and community. As leaders you have the responsibility to portray your team, your school, and yourselves in a positive manner always.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media sites have increased in popularity and are used by many of our soccer players in one form or another. Soccer players should be aware that third parties, including teachers, school administration, parents, opponents, and future employers, can easily access your profiles and view all personal information. Inappropriate material found by third parties affects the perception of the player, the program, and the school. Think before you post.

Examples of inappropriate and offensive behaviors concerning participation in online communities may include, but are not limited to, depictions or presentations of the following nature:

● Content that is unsportsmanlike, racist, derogatory, demeaning, or threatening toward another individual, team, or entity. This would include Trash Talking.

● Photos, videos, or comments that refer to alcohol, tobacco, or drug related material.

● Photos, videos, or comments that are of a sexual nature. This may include links to websites of a pornographic nature and other inappropriate material.

● Content online that would constitute a violation of LNE High School or NSAA rules and regulations.

● Information that is sensitive or personal in nature to any member of the LNE Soccer Program, including injuries and eligibility.

Game Plan

For your own safety, please keep the following recommendations in mind as you participate in social media websites:

● Set your security settings so only your friends or followers can view your profile.

● Be aware of who you add as a friend or follower to your site or profile.

● Do not post personal information, like telephone number or home address, which could lead to unwanted attention. If you are ever in doubt of the appropriateness of your online public material, consider whether it upholds and positively reflects your own values and ethics as well as the LNE Soccer Program. Remember, always present a positive image and don’t do anything to embarrass yourself, your team, or your school. ALWAYS PROTECT THE PROGRAM!

Failure to properly adhere to this policy will result in disciplinary action as deemed necessary by the Head Soccer Coach and his staff.

Cell Phones

Cell phone use is prohibited in the locker rooms or any place players are changing. There is to be no use of a camera or any app like Snapchat that takes pictures or video in the locker rooms, or while players are changing at any time. Violations will be referred to the high school administration.

Game Uniforms & Equipment

Each player is issued a Home and Away game uniform. It is the player’s responsibility to take care of the issued uniforms and return them at the end of the soccer season in good condition. The expectation is that after a game a player’s uniform is washed immediately. That means every player must take their entire uniform home after a game and get it washed as soon as possible. All uniforms must be washed inside-out and never dried in the dryer to preserve the print. Players are responsible for the replacement cost of a uniform if it is lost or returned in poor condition not caused by general wear and tear. Uniforms are NOT to be given to anyone to wear (not during school or girlfriends, etc.). Uniforms are for the game only. Please do not wear them to school.

Sleep & Nutrition

We hope to educate our players on proper sleep and nutrition to help them create good habits. These habits are important for playing the best game possible, but more importantly are essential for our players’ long term health. As coaches, we are asking for parents’ help in teaching and reinforcing the following habits:

• An athlete in training needs approximately 9 hours of sleep to let their brain and body recover so they can be at their best every day. Many of our athletes are not getting even close to this amount of sleep on a consistent basis. Having an approximate bedtime established and turning off the electronics at that time is essential to getting 9 hours of sleep during training.

• Players need to make sure they are properly hydrated before training. We encourage each athlete to have a water bottle they take with them all the time and drink water throughout the day.

• Every player’s diet will be different but encourage them to make healthy choices during our training and throughout the season. The benefits of training will not be maximized if we are not eating properly.