Core Values


• RESPECT: All Pomalinks will carry themselves in a respectful manner while respecting the values and beliefs of others, including but not limited to other dance team members, LHS students and staff, other school's students and staff, and the Lincoln community. 

• PREPARE: All Pomalinks should be prepared for every performance, event or practice. This may require practice on their own time. We will be ready to entertain the crowd at our best quality, every time!

• STUDY: All Pomalinks will focus on academics first, prioritizing education. 

• RESPONSIBLE: All Pomalinks will be responsible in the aspect of balancing not only dance but other activities they may be involved in at Lincoln High and outside of school. 

• SCHEDULE: All Pomalinks will be committed to the time that is necessary to be an elite high school dance team. 

LHS and LPS Code of Conduct for Athletics and Activities

Financial and Time Commitments:

It is extremely important that you are aware of the financial obligations involved with participating in this spirit squad. Although we do fundraise, it does not cover all expenses. 

Financial aid is available for students who qualify through LPS. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will qualify for some kind of financial aid. Contact the associate

principal’s office for more information, or to apply.

LPS guidelines state that required uniform pieces for our group cannot exceed $1,000 per student. Our mandatory expenses generally total between $600 and $999. However, these are only the required items. In addition to these expenses, there are some optional items and events that will be offered which would be in addition to this amount. Some examples of optional items are the wool letter coat, the large backpack bag, competitions that require travel, camp,


There are fundraisers available. Parents are asked to help organize and participate in the fundraising process. As the sponsor, I will provide and approve fundraisers, but it is up to you to do the work. Parents are encouraged to search out fundraisers they would like to organize throughout the year. Motivated students can generally earn 1/3 to 1⁄2 of their required expenses.

As you can see, there is a substantial financial obligation involved in participating in Pomalinks. Please consider this before making the decision to allow your student to tryout. Remember, you may qualify for financial aid through LPS. 

We are a Varsity activity, similar to any Varsity sport at the high school level. We require a large time commitment for practice and school events throughout the entire year. Work, dance classes, family obligations, etc. will not be considered excuses to miss these events. Official LHS activities and sports are the only exception. The team often has an average of one to three events per week in addition to regular practice. All conflicts must be submitted to the coach a

month in advance, when applicable.



The purposes of the Pomalinks are to:

• promote school spirit

• work cooperatively and positively with other people

• entertain at performances and competitions

• foster a positive image and relationship with the community, other schools, and within Lincoln High School

• promote the talent and skill of dance team members

Pomalinks’ conduct is to be in keeping with the LPS Student Conduct code and the LPS Rules for Participation in Activities. Violations of the above mentioned conduct and rules will be handled accordingly with recommendations of the Sponsor(s) and Associate Principal.

According to the policies, regulations, and guidelines for high school activities, miscellaneous regulations, the following are grounds for suspension: engaging in the selling, using, possessing, or dispensing of material represented to be alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, controlled substance, or inhalants.

The above contact shall constitute grounds for suspension from practices, participation in interscholastic competition or other participation in co-curricular activities, when such conduct occurs on school grounds, or during an educational function or event off school grounds, or off school grounds during the season of the particular activity.

Following the Lincoln High Student Athlete/Activities Expectations, students may not possess, or consume alcohol, drugs, or tobacco during the season or at any school function. 

Consequences are as follows:

First Offense

• Exclusion from participation for 15 days (excluding Sundays and moratoriums).

• The student may be required to attend all team practices, determined by the head coach and/or athletic/activity director.

• The student will be required to follow additional rules and guidelines established by the coach of his/her squad, as approved by the athletic/activities director. 

Violations of these rules will be handled at the discretion of the coach. In the case of repeated minor violations, insubordination, or severe violations, the student may be suspended from participation, or removed from the squad.

Second Offense

• Removal from the Pomalinks squad for the remainder of the school year.

All Pomalinks will be held accountable for any information, images, comments, etc. posted online that are negative or illegal in nature. Consequences may be determined by the Sponsor and/or administration.


• Any 8th grader, freshman, sophomore, or junior is eligible to tryout if they are in “good academic standing” as deemed by the Sponsor and Associate Principal. This includes carrying a 2.5+ GPA.

• Throughout membership in Pomalinks, they must pass at least 25 credit hours each semester. This includes the semester of tryouts, and the previous semester. If any member does not pass 25 credits per semester, they will be permanently dismissed from the squad.

• A senior who is deemed “on track to graduate”, may take less with permission, but must still pass at least 15 credit hours. All changes to schedules must be reported to the Sponsor in order to avoid ineligibility.

• If any squad member should move, resign, or be dismissed, no replacement shall be chosen.

• As a member of the squad, grades will be checked at random times, including mid-quarter, quarter and semester. Any failing grade will result in suspension from performing at any event until such grade is passing. The suspension will continue as long as the F stands. If the student is no longer in “good academic standing,” continuous suspension may result in permanent dismissal from the squad.

• Accumulation of excessive marks which result in four benchings will result in permanent dismissal from the squad.

• Squad members may also be permanently dismissed at the discretion of the Sponsor and Associate Principal for such actions/behavior which are deemed inappropriate for the school or the Pomalinks, unacceptable attendance records (including truancy), or violations of the LPS Student Conduct code or LPS Rules for Participation in Activities for the current school year.

• Candidates may not have already been selected for another spirit squad, including Cheerleading or Ground Zero.

• Tardiness and/or attendance at tryout practices may also be considered part of the final score.

• The judges will be chosen by the Sponsor.

• Based on the judges’ tabulations, the final selection of squad members will be those individuals that fall in the biggest natural break in total scores.

• The Pomalink squad will consist of no more than 20 members.

• Tryouts are closed to spectators.

• There will be no type of kidnapping. 


• The Pomalinks organization follows this flow chart:

LPS and LHS Administrators --> Sponsor/Coach --> Captains, Members and Parents

• We currently have a Parents of the Pomalinks (POP) group that will meet monthly to help promote the squad and organize fun activities or extra fundraisers, but is not, in any way, part of the administrative staff. They may be consulted for opinions, but it is not required to obtain permission from this group for any decisions.

• If officers are deemed necessary, they will be chosen at the discretion of the Sponsor. Captains should be outstanding examples at all times.

• If a captain is not fulfilling their responsibilities or expectations, they will be removed by the Sponsor.

TIME COMMITMENT (Practice and Performances)

• Practice and performance schedules will be provided by the Sponsor(s) one month in advance.

• Jobs, dance classes, vacations or any other commitments must be turned in to the Sponsor within one week of receiving the schedule. This allows the team to plan for student absences in formations, ripples,etc. This does NOT excuse the student from potentially required time in order to letter. 

• School-related absences must also be turned in within one week to allow for proper planning. However, these will NOT affect your eligibility for lettering. 

• If a student misses practice for a school-related activity, performance may not be allowed based on the particular routine being performed and the level of preparedness by the student.

• Suspensions or referrals are NOT considered school obligations and therefore are not excused.

• There may be natural consequences, such as not performing or competing with the team, based on attendance at practices or knowledge of the routine.

• Pomalinks are expected to be on time for all practices, performances and required events. Official tardies and truancies do apply to Pomalinks as it is a scheduled school activity.

• If a Pomalink needs to arrange a time to meet with another teacher or counselor, the appointment should be made after regular school hours, or during the student’s lunch. It CANNOT be made during the Pomalink practice. If a student misses Pomalinks to meet with a teacher, it will be considered Unexcused. The only exception may be if the Sponsor requires that the student meets with the teacher to improve a failing grade.

• Pomalinks must be in attendance for all class periods, with the exception of medical appointments, school activities/ sports, or other pre arranged absences, as approved by the Sponsor(s) in order to be eligible to participate in performances that day.

• If a Pomalink misses a practice and the absence is rendered a truancy according to LPS and LHS policies, marks will also be given for an Unexcused Absence. The student may also not be allowed to perform.

• If a Pomalink is not performing for any reason (illness, benching, grades, etc.) they will still be expected to wear the required uniform, hair style, etc.

• If truancies become a continued problem, the Pomalink may be dismissed from the squad at the discretion of the Sponsor(s) and Associate Principal.

• Gum is not allowed at any Pomalink practice or performance.

• It is the Pomalink squad member’s responsibility to keep track of all required events and their designated locations and times as announced by the Sponsor(s) and/or captains.

• Attendance is taken 30 minutes prior to the start of the games at Lincoln High. Some circumstances may allow a different check-in time.

• In an extreme case, a prearranged absence may be accepted as excused (i.e. immediate family obligations, funerals, weddings, emergencies, etc.).

• A phone call from a parent/guardian to the Sponsor is required prior to an absence due to illness. If no phone call is received, the absence will be considered unexcused. Such decisions will be made by the Sponsor.

• Unexcused absences will result in a benching for the next performance. Attendance at all practices and performances are required.

• All Pomalinks must sit together in their designated seated area during a required event/ performance/game and keep ALL electronics AWAY! This includes all quarters of the game, unless specifically deemed “free time.”

• If a Pomalink is not in proper uniform at a performance, s/he may be benched for that performance. (This includes: proper costume, hairstyle and accessories, poms, props, no jewelry or gum.)


• Pomalinks are responsible for financing their own uniforms as authorized by the Sponsor.

• At no time will any uniform piece (including letter coat) be given to, worn, or used by another student or individual that is not on our team.

• If a squad member should move, resign, or be dismissed, the cost of the already ordered and/or received uniform remains his/her financial responsibility and must be paid in full.

• If, at any time, the school provided the member with a uniform piece or prop, it must be returned or replaced at the Pomalink squad member’s expense.

• If an item is a designated squad uniform piece, it is only to be worn on specified days when the entire uniform is worn.

• If a Pomalink is not in proper uniform or without props during a required day or a performance, they will be asked to sit out for that performance.

• Official uniform includes: designated outfit, hair style, accessories, shoes and poms (if needed).

• No jewelry is to be worn while in uniform, unless it is squad jewelry. Small earring posts may be approved by the Sponsor.

• No nail polish is to be worn during competitions. Not adhering to these rules will result in marks.

• The Pomalink uniform always takes priority over dressing out for a sport or other school-related group.


• Each member of the Pomalink squad will be eligible to receive a Varsity letter for participation. If a member earns additional letters in the following years of participation, a bar will be given to represent the additional letter.

• Upon the 3rd benching due to grades or behavior a member will no longer be eligible for lettering.

• Mandatory attendance at all required performances and spirit activities. An excused absence will be the only exception to this guideline. However, a squad member must perform at 85% of all performances in order to be eligible to letter. Prolonged injuries or participation in other LHS activities are not an exception to this rule.

• Each member is required to aid in the organization of projects or choreography, as deemed by the Sponsor.

• Each member must retain membership and remain active on an organized committee for the entire year. Chairs will be named who may earn extra pins based on activity throughout the year.

• Seniors must aid in the preparation and execution of tryouts.

• Balances must be paid in full. No exceptions.


• To organize tryouts.

• To authorize and facilitate uniform and prop purchases.

• To approve all fundraisers. Sponsors are not responsible for participating or organizing fundraisers.

• To supervise practices and performances or arrange for supervision at all required events.

• To arrange additional practices and meetings.

• To communicate with squad members and parents/guardians.

• To maintain equipment (school-owned).

• To give warnings, bench and dismiss members as necessary.

• To monitor eligibility and grade status on a regular basis.

• To evaluate appropriateness of routines and music and indicate necessary changes when needed.

• To make final decisions over dance routines, including formations. These may be based on the

performance and skill levels of each individual.

• To advise and make decisions in the best interest of Lincoln High School.

• To assign routine preparation or teaching when necessary.

• To maintain individual cost sheets for members (uniforms, props, camp, competition entry fees, misc. expenses). Billing costs to members are reported to parents/guardians in a timely manner.

The Sponsor, Associate Principal and all LHS administration have the final jurisdiction over the Pomalink organization and its policies, expectations, and consequences.