
Quarter 1 Writing: Small moments

Students will write a small moment story about their lives. This story is a personal narrative. It should be a true story that happened. Students will work on organization such as beginning, middle and end, adding details, editing marks, and conventions.

Later, students will write "All About" books. These are books about topics students are familiar with. Students will continue to review organization, editing marks, and conventions.

Below is a note to parents discussing the report card descriptors in the writing section and the Nebraska State Standards.

Parent Support:

You can support your writer this quarter by:

*Brainstorming ideas for true stories about small moments in your child's life. Getting hurt, losing a tooth, or getting a haircut are examples of small moments.

*Practice telling these stories in order with a beginning (who and where is the story happening), a middle (the exciting or interesting part), and an end (tell an ending that stays with the main idea of the story).


2nd Quarter: Revision and Opinion

parent qt 2 2015.pdf

3rd Quarter: Authors as mentors and research

parent qt 3a 2015.pdf

4th Quarter:

parent qt 4b 2015.pdf
parent qt 4 2015.pdf