
These resources have been curated by LPS Library Services to support curriculum topics. Please pre-read to make sure the content matches your specific instructional goals.

Unit #1: Mental and Emotional Health

#IAmAWitness: Confronting Bullying

The Brain: All About the Nervous System

Bullied by Boys

Bullied in Cyberspace

Bullied by Friends

Bullied by Girls

Bullied by Groups

Cyberbulling: 12 things you need to know

Global Concerns: Staying Safe Online

How to Beat Cyberbullying

Living With Anxiety Disorders

Living With Depression


Overcoming Obstacles: Collaboarting with Others

Overcoming Obstacles: Identifying Problems


Playing Video Games

Pros and Cons of Playing Video Games

Social Media: 12 things you need to know

Tai Chi

Your Digital Footprint: 12 things you need to know

Unit #2: Nutrition and Exercise

Blood: All About the Cardivascular System

Body Systems

Bones: All About the Skeletal Systems

Cells, Tissues, and Organs


Circulatory System

Circulatory System

ChopChop Magazine

Digestive System

Digestive System


Lungs: All About The Respiatory System

Muscles: All About the Muscular System

Muscular System

Muscular System

Nervous System

Nervous System

Respiratory System

Respiratory System

Skeletal System

Skeletal System


Stomach: All About the Digestive System

Video: Concussions and Sports Injuries 

Video: Nutrition and Life Stages

Video: Priority Health Issues

Video: Trickle-Down Safety: Sports Concussions

Unit #3: Injury Prevention and Safety


How Does a Virus Spread?

Staying Safe From Viruses

What is an Epidemic? 

What is a Pandemic?

What is a Virus?

Unit #4: Medications and Drugs


Club Drugs


Living With Substance Addiction



Prescription and Over-The-Counter Drugs


Unit #5: Growth and Development

#MeToo: Unveiling Abuse