Electronic Work Permit Processing
Work Permits Now Processed Electronically
The Clark County ESC will now be processing work permits electronically. Click HERE to access the work permit packet.
Listed below are the steps that students must take in order to obtain a work permit.
1. Complete the attached work permit packet (each section must be filled out completely)
Student/Applicant Information Section
Pledge of Employer Section
Physician’s Approval Section or a sports physical that is less than 1 year old
2. Scan & email completed work permit packet to workpermits@clarkesc.org
3. Email birth certificate & photo ID to workpermits@clarkesc.org
Once the student has submitted the required documentation, they will receive a confirmation email. A Clark County Educational Service Center staff member will email the student their work permit.
If the student is unable to scan or submit their documentation electronically, they will need to contact 937-325-7671 for further instructions.