What supplies do you need for class?

Each day:

  • Pencil
  • Math binder
  • Homework
  • Charged Chromebook

What time does class meet?

Each day A and B-

Block 4 11:49-1:40 (class is split in half by lunch)

Lunch B 12:24-12:49

What is Google Classroom?

Our Google Classroom is where students will access online class materials and assignments. This includes class discussions, reminders, homework, study guides, copies of class notes, and other materials. This makes online homework and assignment submissions possible.

How do I access Google Classroom?

With the online class code, that is given to students, or by email invitation.

What is ALEKS?

ALEKS is an online program that helps teach students 6th grade math material. This program teaches them a lesson through information pages and then they must master the topic to move to the next one. This program shows them mistakes they make by clicking on the explanation button after a missed question.

How can my student access ALEKS?

Each student has their own login in ID and password that was given to them in class and should be located in their math folders. If they have access to a computer at home they should feel free to also use ALEKS at home!