What to expect

We will be dressing out so you will need dress out clothes. Female students should wear: leggings or tights and shorts, a tee shirt with sports bra, and socks. Male students should wear: joggers sweatpants or shorts, a tee shirt, and socks. You will be allowed to participate in class in street clothes but points will be deducted from your daily participation grade.

You will also need something to write with and write in (a journal). You will also need your pld and charger when these have been issued.

Classroom Expectations and Consequences (Rules) -

Phone policy:You will have time to check your phone at the beginning of class, during our water break, and at the end of class. Points will be deducted from your daily participation grade if your phone is visible at other times.

Dressing Out: We will have 5 minutes at the beginning and ending of each period to dress. Dressing in appropriate clothing is essential for learning new skills and improving old ones. Points will be deducted from your daily participation grade if you fail to dress out.

If you decide not to participate: You WILL be asked questions pertaining to exercises, choreography, or just to give perspective/critical review of what you’re observing. That was an ESSENTIAL lesson from the “school” where I was trained as a dancer. It wasn’t a game. You took it seriously and everyone was there to work. Sitting out for an injury, sickness etc…you were expected to know the step the next time you hit that dance floor. You will turn in your written observations as part of your daily grade.

Disruptive Behavior will result in the following:


1. Verbal warning

2. Phone call home

3. Office referral

4. Conference with parent, student, teacher and administrator