Technology Help

If you are having technical difficulties with your laptop, please do steps 1-3 under troubleshooting.

If you device still does not work, fill out the form below and someone will get to you as soon as possible.

Laptop Troubleshooting

  1. Restart your computer.

*The normal way to restart your Chromebook is to use its 'Shut down' option: tap the notification area (the section with the WiFi, power and time) and press the top 'Shut down' icon.
*If the screen is black - squish the power button like a bug for 30 seconds.
  1. Check for Chrome Updates.

  2. Update your chrome profile.

Other Issues

Connecting to Zoom

Don't have Wi-Fi at home?

Connecting to Wi-Fi at home:

  1. Click at the bottom-right of the screen (near the clock).

  2. Click below the Wi-Fi symbol where it says “Not Connected”

  3. Select your Wi-Fi network. If needed, enter the passcode.

  4. Once connected log-in as you normally would.


Students are responsible for the Chromebook that has been checked out to them and one charger. Both items will need to be returned when school is back in session.