Student Behavior & Attendance

Over the course of each year, CCSD closely monitors student behavior incidents and attendance. For the behavior tab, data are displayed and disaggregated for incidents, students with Out-of-School Suspensions, and students with In-School-Suspensions. Available filters allow users to go deeper to see what kinds of incidents and resolutions are occurring in CCSD. For attendance, data are displayed for absenteeism percentages, and student attendance benchmarks, such as absent less than 10% of days and absent fewer than 5 days. This dashboard is updated monthly.

Click the button below to use the Behavior and Attendance Dashboard.

School Climate Surveys

Each year, the state collects data about School Climate from Students, Parents and School Personnel. Each group is asked questions related to the following general areas: School Connectedness, Social Support (peer and adult), Cultural Acceptance, School Safety, School Climate, Physical Environment, and Parent Involvement. Collectively, responses to these questions account for 25% of the overall School Climate Star Rating. To see a detailed list of questions asked in each area to each group of people, click here.

The dashboard puts the responses of all three respondent groups together for deep analysis purposes with filters for Group, School, Grade Level, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity. Not all filters are available for each Group. For example, the state does not ask School Personnel any demographic questions.

Click the button below to use the CCSD School Climate Dashboard.