
1st Period: 7th Grade Social Studies 8:15-9:00

1st Period: 6th Grade 9:00-9:45

2nd Period: Planning (9:43-11:10)

3rd Period: 7th Grade Social Studies 11:13-12:05

3rd Period: 6th Grade Social Studies 12:05-12:50

Lunch/Recess/Advisory (12:45-1:45)

4th Period: 6th Grade Social Studies 1:48-2:30

4th Period: 6th Graee SOcial Studies 2:30-3:15

*Office Hours: Tuesdays from 3:20-4:20; This time is available for students to meet with me to have one-on-one help with anything they are struggling with in class. 

*Feel free to contact any day during my planning period or from 3:15-3:45. 

Class Routine