CMS 7th Grade Newsletter

Message from the Principal

There is much to reflect on from the 3rd quarter. Cafeterias are back to looking “normal”, Homespun projects are submitted, and New York State Assessments are completed. Continue to push yourselves, and finish the year strong by reflecting on what got you here.

  • Study habits are crucial- final exams are right around the corner and need to be prepared for

  • Kindness and respect are key- let’s help each other to finish the year on a high note

  • Continue to define yourself- use your experiences to help determine what you stand for

We’re here to support you right until the end. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from an adult in the building. You have a lot to be proud of from this school year. Make sure the 4th quarter is your best yet!

Mr. Strzelec

7th Grade House Principal

Student Services

Spring has sprung! This is a great time for School Spring Cleaning...of lockers, book bags, binders, folders, notebooks, etc. Plan to get organized TODAY for the remainder of the year and in preparation for final exams. The end of the year is approaching quickly and with that comes much anxiety and stress over final exams. They will be here before you know it. Don't wait until the week before exams to begin studying. Don't cram the night before. Divide study material into small chunks or sections. Create a study schedule for each subject area. Don't forget to include material from notes, old tests, quizzes, and study guides. Make flash cards and carry them with you for quick reviews. When you review in short study sessions repeatedly, you are more likely to retain the information. Take advantage of review in class. See your teachers for help on topics that you are struggling with. If you are still feeling overwhelmed, make an appointment to see me.

Mrs. Elvin

Nurse's Office

An important message from the Health Office:

Every school year the following MUST be renewed:

    • all medication orders, including Epi-Pens, inhalers, insulin, Tylenol, etc.

    • any and all Phys. Ed restrictions (ex. No swimming, physical activity restrictions)

ALL the necessary forms are available on the District Web site. If your child has any medication in the Health Office, it will NOT be saved, it gets destroyed if not picked up before the last day of school JUNE 21, 2022

English Language Arts

ELA 7 students have been very busy exercising their creative muscles. Through a unit on identity followed by one on poetry, kids explored their unique attributes and traditions, then considered the wise words of Maya Angelou, followed a dream sequence of Langston Hughes, and discussed why so much depends upon a red wheelbarrow with William Carlos Williams. Students read and analyzed poetry and penned their own verses. In quarter 3, students also read a novel by an author they selected and examined the author’s craft. Prior to our final exam, students will work to complete a research project on that author by gathering biographical information and then presenting it to their classmates. We are excited to work with our librarian, Mrs. Bork, who will help students navigate databases and websites and develop works cited pages. These skills will be useful to them as they head off to 8th grade and beyond.

Math 7

As we approach the end of the fourth quarter, students are delving into statistics and geometry. We encourage all students to keep working hard, trying their best every day, and reaching out with any questions that arise.

Pre Algebra

We are rounding out this year’s curriculum with a focus on functions and their numerous applications. We encourage all students to keep working hard, trying their best every day, and reaching out with any questions that arise.

Social Studies

The 7th grade history students are wrapping up the year with our last unit on the US Civil War and Reconstruction. Homespun projects were submitted at the beginning of May and they turned out great!

In preparation for the final exam, students will receive a review packet that will help them to study and prepare for the assessment. Teachers will also provide in class review as well as supplemental materials so that students will feel confident on their final exam.

Life Science

In the 4th quarter, our Life Science students transitioned into our last unit on Earth’s Changing Climate. Students took on a new role as Climatologists at The World Climate Institute. Their research included studying how energy moves through earth’s system and how certain greenhouse gases affect our environment. Using computer simulation, physical models and articles, students investigated why certain gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, in certain atmospheric concentrations, could lead to a steady rise in global temperature. We applied our knowledge regarding those gases to times of changing climate in the past and to current changes. Students inferred why the temperature on our planet seems to be rising over time and were introduced to creative ways to counteract the effects of global warming. By the end of the unit, students will gain a basic understanding about climate change and its effect on our planet.

Advanced Science

In the 4th quarter, our Accelerated Science students transitioned quickly into our next unit on Earth’s Changing Climate. Students took on a new role as Climatologists at The World Climate Institute. Their research included studying how energy moves throughout earth’s system and how certain greenhouse gases affect our environment. Using computer simulation, physical models and articles, students investigated why certain gases such as Carbon Dioxide and Methane in certain atmospheric concentrations could lead to a steady rise in global temperature. We applied our knowledge to comparing the information regarding those gases, as well as others, from the past, to current levels in our atmosphere. Students inferred why the temperature on our planet seems to be rising over time and were introduced to creative ways to counteract the effects of global warming. Students completed a Google Sites project where they created a town called “Greenville”. The focus was on converting a whole town into using only renewable resources. By the end of the unit, students gained an understanding about global warming and its effect on our planet.

Our very last unit of study this year has been focused on Physical Science. We began this unit with several class demonstrations, and videos to teach students about Forces, Motion, and Speed with a focus on Newton’s Three Laws. We then moved into Electricity and Magnetism. Using hands-on and virtual activities, articles and simulations, students made predictions, gathered information and made inferences about circuits and why magnets are so important for us in our daily lives. We are ending the unit with a capstone project called “Light as a Wave”. This project will focus on how light can carry energy and how different light sources can affect genetic material. We will be using several hands-on experiments, articles, and the Amplify simulation, to research the main idea of how people who live in Australia have a much higher rate of skin cancer, when compared to other countries who receive the same, if not more sunlight.


In Art, 7th graders have been working on a variety of drawing and painting techniques, functional clay pinch pot planters, and learning about numerous contemporary artists including local muralists and art seen within the community. Students learn observational, imaginative, grid-method, and guided drawings in class. Materials used include tempera and liquid watercolor paint, clay, and pastels. We have learned about movements and artists including Fauvism and Public Art, Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, and Brazilian artist, Romero Britto. The atmosphere and creativity in the 7th grade has been wonderful all year!

French & Spanish

Hola, Bonjour!

7th grade Spanish and French students have just ended the community unit and are starting our last units for the year: My Family and My House. Students will learn family members and animals, parts of the house, and chores in Spanish and French. Students have learned so much since September, so we are working on putting it all together in writing and speaking exercises in class. The last few weeks of school we will review vocabulary they have learned throughout the year as we prepare for the final exam.

Thank you, Gracias, Merci.


Students will be finishing up this school year with culture units on Roman baths and aqueducts. Students have also started studying the Latin language by learning about the inflected nature of its endings and vocabulary. We have also been looking at the influence Latin has had on our English language. We have had a great time this year and I look forward to seeing everyone back again in the Fall. I am so proud of the work they did this year.

Home and Careers

Our seventh grade students met and exceeded the hand sewing challenge. The students exuded creativity and learned necessary life skills--including repairing their own clothing with numerous types of stitches and buttons. We explored numerous, yet unusual, careers and now they have a better idea as to what it is they would like to do in the future. As the food and nutrition unit concluded, students shared their own personal culture with their scrumptious demo recipes. Leadership characteristics were integrated throughout the quarter—focusing on possessing a positive attitude and improving communication skills. They are now equipped with not only managing stage fright, but helping others to do the same.


The 7th Grade Band is busy preparing for our last group of performances. On Friday May 13th, the 7th Grade Band will perform at Sheridan Hill Elementary School. This performance helps to inspire the next generation of students. On Monday May 30th, all three Middle School Bands will combine to march and play for the Memorial Day Parade in Clarence. Students will learn the music and how to march together during normal band rehearsals. This is a long standing tradition for the CMS Band program and we are looking forward to returning to this. This parade is an amazing way to show off the students talent and hard work to the entire community while also honoring the holiday and all our service men and women. Lastly, we will be performing one last Concert together with all of Clarence Bands at the HS Gymnasium during our Spectrum Concert on Tuesday June 7th.

Students will also be auditioning for ensemble placement for next year. This will take place during the week of May 9th. Students have been given a piece of music to practice and will perform for Mr. Stroth, Mr. Bodemer and myself. This process helps us to place students into ensembles that match with where they are in their playing.


7th Grade Orchestra is currently working on music for its final concert on May 24th. We spent the first month learning the music, and are now evaluating recordings of ourselves to figure out where we can improve. We spent a few weeks focusing on shifting and tone production. The first piece, "Lionheart," forces us to focus on our bow placement in order to get the dynamics and bowings right. The second piece, "Kentucky Jam," has some difficult spots with shifting and 16th notes, but we are making progress every day and hope that a lot of people come to the concert to see the final product!


Congratulations to all on an outstanding March Concert! As the end of the school year is quickly approaching, students are working diligently to prepare for their final concert of 7th Grade - the May Choral Festival. This concert will feature all choral ensembles from CMS! The concert is on May 18th at 7:30pm.


In 7th grade Technology students are practicing a variety of techniques to help them master design & modeling skills. Students are doing the Robot Keychain project to sharpen their understanding of measuring, precision, and the model-prototype building process. Students 3D model the parts, then draw them by hand, then fabricate them using wood in the shop or 3D print them. Once modeling, technical drawing, and fabrication skills have been mastered, students then design CO2 Cars using their newly learned skillsets. At the conclusion of Quarter 3 students had an opportunity to launch their CO2 on a 50 foot track in the Technology hallway. Finally students photographed and presented their work in project portfolios using their skills in digital formatting.

Physical Education

This past quarter, students worked on their volleyball skills in the downstairs gym and their badminton skills in the upstairs gym! Currently, students are getting a chance to explore the world of fitness with our new fitness equipment, while also playing a variety of outdoor games when weather permits.


Health education students finished stress management tips and have been working on Personal Safety topics this marking period. Phone safety, internet safety, street safety and abduction prevention are some of the topics discussed. Other topics included skin cancer prevention and abstinence relating to HIV/AIDS education.