Pre-Prep and Nursery PTA
The PTA is an integral part of Claremont Fan Court School. Parents and staff are automatically members. Our aim is to enhance the community spirit of the school and raise funds for additional facilities and enrichment activities for all pupils. Previously the PTA has funded a new school mini bus, football goals, table tennis tables, tournament coats and hockey coaching for Senior School, theatre trips, digital cameras, playground equipment and a new teaching garden.
During the school year, we hold several whole school fundraising events including a spring ball, a quiz night and a summer fair and walk-o-run. In addition to raising funds, these events are a great opportunity for families of Claremont to meet and socialise.
The Pre-Prep and Preparatory schools also hold their own fundraising initiatives including cake sales, an Easter egg hunt, school discos, and commemorative tea towels and cards.
Parent volunteers also run the good as new uniform shop, which is held on a Saturday once every half-term.
Volunteers also run the plant sale. Proceeds from which are given directly to the school council for pupils to fund a project of their choosing.
Last year the Pre-Prep PTA excelled, even managing to organise unicorns to visit! This year is definitely going to need to be different but hopefully we will still be able to carry out some socially distanced fun! Last year our fundraising went to build a brilliant trim trail in the playground that all of the children have thoroughly enjoyed using. This year we are hoping to raise money for an outdoor classroom.
We are hoping to still be able to organise sponsored events (albeit without the help of so many parents), Christmas cards, non-uniform days, special snack days and hopefully lots more!
The PTA team are here to answer questions and we’re also very keen to hear of any fundraising ideas you have too. So please don’t hesitate in contacting us. You can either email directly ( or use Classlist, where a lot of PTA messages will be posted.
The PTA put all their news and events up on Classlist. It’s a free, safe, secure online community for the school where you can post questions and message other parents in your child’s class or year group. It’s really useful for tracking down lost jumpers, organising play dates and birthday parties.
Classlist also enables you to share your contact details with other parents in the same year group. You have full control over your privacy settings and can also join and use Classlist without sharing your contact details.