Hewetson School 

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A brief history

Dr. Patrick Hewetson of Betaghstown, Clane, was born in 1699 to Moses and Margery Hewetson. He trained at Leiden and Trinity as a physician. He was twice elected president of the College of Physicians. He remained single. His Will stipulated that following his death his body should be kept for five days, and then cut open by a surgeon, coffined and buried at Clane Abbey. His Will also instructed that after the death of his sister Grizzel and his cousin Moses the residue of his estate was to be used to create a charitable school at Betaghstown.

The first school was established in 1805. By 1811 there were six girls and ten boys in attendance. But the school closed again shortly afterwards and it was 1836 before it reopened. In 1881 when the building of St. Michael & All Angels church had begun, Thomas Cooke Trench suggested that the endowed school should be moved from Betaghstown to near the new church at Millicent. To this end he provided a two acre site and the sum of £300 towards the cost of the building. Rev. Ambrose Cooke , the manager of the school agreed. The new building was completed in 1882 at a cost of £1,556.

The first headmaster was Mr. Edward Leeson. In 1894, a gym was built beside the school and in 1925 a stage and a ball alley were bulit. Thomas Cooke- Trench died in 1902 and, in the following year, his wife transferred the school site to the Board of Trustees. The lands at Betaghstown were sold to the tenants in 1907.

In 1932 a field was bought behind the school for £50 to provide a football ground known as 'The Hairy Acre'. During the late 1960's, the boarding school was phased out. The latest extension to the school, funded by the Department of Education, was opened in 1996. Mrs. Emily Barber was the first female Principal (1968-1980). Mrs Elizabeth Cody succeeded her as Principal and Ms. Janet Morgan was appointed in September 2004 on the latter's retirement.