Library Handbook

Damaged or Lost Books

Students who return books that have been damaged while in their possession will be charged a damage fee. The media specialist will assess this fee. The fee will be anywhere from $1.00 to the full replacement price of the book, depending upon the extent of the damage. Students who lose a book will be charged for the replacement fee.


Gifts to the media center collection are encouraged and welcome at any time. However, it will be up to the school librarian's discretion to determine the appropriateness of the item to the media collection.


The library is open 7:40 a.m. - 3:10 p.m. daily.

Library Events

  • Dot Day

  • STEM Night and Book Fair

  • Polar Express Day

  • Spring Book Fair

  • Dr. Seuss Week and Literacy Night

  • Poem in Your Pocket Day

Selection of Materials

Selection of print and non-print materials will be a cooperative process with the school librarian, teachers, administrators and students taking a part. Suggestions for purchase may be submitted at any time during the school year. Careful consideration will be given to each suggestion before ordering in the areas of most need.

Student Displays

Teachers are encouraged to display student work in the library. Please inform the media specialist when you have projects that you would like to display.


Obsolete, out-dated, superseded, incomplete, worn-out, badly damaged, or superfluous materials (whether print, non-print, or equipment) should be continuously weeded. No one item should be retained just to meet quantitative standards. The purpose of the school media center is to maintain a meaningful, up-to-date collection that will be used. Therefore, individual items will be disposed of when they have outlived their usefulness.