Parent Zone

Maths Week Scotland

27th September – 1st October 2021

How Can I help?

Be positive about maths. Try not to say things like “I can’t do maths” or “I hated maths at school” – your child may start to think like that themselves.

Point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving numbers and measuring, such as shopping, cooking and travelling.

Praise your child for effort rather than for being “clever”. This shows them that by working hard they can always improve.

PArent zone Scotland

National resource to support families at home with numeracy learning.

Click here to access.

Parent Videos

Fantastic videos have been created by the National Parent Forum Scotland on how you can help with numeracy learning at home. Link below to access a library of videos. Three key videos have been selected looking at number in early years, addition/subtractions and multiplication/division.

All Parent Videos