I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.

EXA 0-02a

Creating art expands a child's ability to interact with the world around them and provides a new set of skills for self-expression and communication.


Painting with water.

Watch your painting disappear!


Draw around your hand.

You can do patterns, lines or just colour it in!

Pen and wash.

Have a go drawing with felt pen and water.

Fingerprint dinosaurs.

Can you think of other pictures you can make with your fingerprints?

Crayon resist painting.

It's magic! The paint won't stick to the crayon!

Sponge painting.

Make your own shapes from sponges.

Use anything you can find in your garden or park to make pictures.

Girl and a butterfly.

What can you make?

Shaving foam art.

Colour the foam with paint to make patterns and designs.

Cut, stick and fold paper to make pictures.

Collage from paper or magazines.