
K - 5th Grade will be graded on their willingness to participate by wearing clothes and shoes that allow them to be active and safe, Secondly they need to have an attitude that they will be willing to try the many different activities each time they are in class.

3rd - 5th Grade will record their fitness measurement scores on WelNet for the following fitness tests; the ½ mile, mile, sit-up, push-up, and sit and reach tests. Their height and weight will also be recorded. The students will be assessed in the beginning of the year as well as the end to measure improvement. Their scores will be sent home with their report card. This score it is meant as a conversational piece to create dialogue with the students and parents about goal setting, fitness or ways to improve. These scores do not have an impact on a student’s grade.

5th grade - Students will take the CBA (Classroom Based Assessment) test for Health and Fitness