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Let's check out some books!

Below are some suggestions from the library, but there are many more books available. Some of these books are e-books and can be accessed using Sora, the student reading app.

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Month! (May 1st to May 31st)

The month of May celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Month, or AAPI Heritage Month, in the United States

AAPI Heritage Month highlights the different historical and cultural impacts Asian American and Pacific Islander's have contributed to the United States,  Learn more here!

Memorial Day is on May 29th!

Memorial Day is an important holiday because it celebrates those who have lost their lives serving our nation. Learn more here!

May 2nd is Teacher's Day!

Teacher's Day celebrates all of the wonderful and amazing teacher's in our schools and across the nation. Teacher's do so much to shape our nation's youth, so May 2nd is used to express one's appreciation.


NEW FROM SCHOLASTIC  order here , our class code is ZDWLF

Additional days to observe...

May 1st is May Day

May 4th is Star Wars Day!

National Space Day is May 5th!

Mother's Day is May 14th

Did you know May 20th is Armed Forces Day?

Celebrate National Rescue Dog Day on May 20th!

Memorial Day is May 29th

Click here to learn more about National Creativity Day

Learn more about National Smile Day

May 31st