
Homework is important for reinforcing daily lessons and keeping parents aware of what their child is learning.  It should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.  If it is taking longer set a timer for 3 ten minute sessions. Sometimes the task is easier to complete if it is broken into smaller time increments. If your child is struggling with a concept please email me and make a note on the enrichment page.  From time to time daily work not completed during school hours may be sent home to complete.  An email will be sent to parents to let them know if daily work is sent home.

Below is a general outline for 3rd grade homework.  The below schedule may be changed or adjusted by the teacher at anytime.  It is VERY important that the student and parent check the student planner and google classroom for daily homework assignments.


Spelling- write words 3 times in Homework Notebook

Math- enrichment page that reinforces daily lesson or IXL


Spelling- write 10 sentences using 10 spelling words not used in sentences written in school, study for test on Friday

Math- enrichment page that reinforces daily lesson or IXL


Spelling- complete word search, study for test on Friday

Math- enrichment page that reinforces daily lesson or IXL


Spelling- study for test

Math-  enrichment page that reinforces daily lesson or IXL

Religion- TBD

SEL- share Family Journal and have parents sign journal

*SEL- Social Emotional Learning


There is no homework given on Fridays unless there is a special project or unfinished work from the week needs to be completed

*Homework can be changed or modified by teacher at anytime*

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