What Is A Wellness Center?

The Wellness Center was made to be a space where our students can come in and not only learn to manage their emotions, but have a safe place to destress and regulate their emotions in order to be able to go back to class and be able to focus and produce at a high level.

Are There Resources For Parents?

Yes! For our parents the Wellness Center puts on after school educational presentations to learn the same skills taught to the students and some tools specifically for Parents. Whether it is to help their children practice these skills at home, or to help deal with the many different emotional stressors parents go through, the Wellness Center was made to help the family as a whole.

What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotional Regulation is a term that describes the process of bringing our emotions back to baseline. Whether we are happy, sad, angry, stressed, or feeling any other emotion, too much of any emotion makes it hard for us to function at our best. When emotions are high it's hard to function and even think clearly, so emotional regulation is the process of calming those emotions without ignoring them and bringing them back to a healthy level.

Will People Know Why I Went To The Wellness Center?

The Wellness Center is completely confidential. This means that what's talked about inside the Wellness Center will not be shared with anyone not helping you.