Ruth O. Harris Middle School


an AVID National Demonstration School 


Hello! My name is Ms. Castellanos, I am the AVID Coordinator at Ruth O. Harris Middle School (ROHMS), an AVID National Demonstration Site.  On behalf of the AVID family thank you for visiting our recruitment site.  I hope that you find it informative and helpful in guiding your decision to join us in the fun and adventure.  Please look through all the tabs and reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. My email is and can also be found on the contact page.

Below you will find information about what an AVID National Demonstration site is, as we have been for over 12 years. 

All other pages will help you to see what AVID is like at Ruth O. Harris Middle School. Additionally, you will find the application to be considered for the AVID elective.  You will need the help of you parents/guardians with the beginning of the form but the remainder is for your voice to shine.  I look forward to meeting you and can't wait to see you all in the 2024-2025 school year. 

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sra. Castellanos, soy la coordinadora de AVID en la escuela secundaria Ruth O. Harris (ROHMS), un sitio de demostración nacional de AVID. En nombre de la familia AVID, gracias por visitar nuestro sitio de reclutamiento. Espero que lo encuentre informativo y útil para guiar su decisión de unirse a nosotros en la diversión y la aventura. Revise todas las pestañas y comuníquese conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud. Mi correo electrónico es y también se puede encontrar en la página de contacto.

A continuación encontrará información sobre qué es un sitio de Demostración Nacional AVID, como lo hemos sido durante más de 12 años.

Todas las demás páginas le ayudarán a ver cómo es AVID en la escuela secundaria Ruth O. Harris. Además, encontrará la solicitud para ser considerado para la electiva AVID. Necesitarás la ayuda de tus padres/tutores con el comienzo del formulario, pero el resto es para que tu voz brille. Espero conocerlos y no puedo esperar a verlos a todos en el año escolar 2024-2025.

An AVID National Demonstration School

AVID National Demonstration Schools are centers of teaching and learning that also serve as models for those interested in learning about the AVID College Readiness System. They clearly demonstrate an ongoing pursuit of excellence, both in the AVID Elective and AVID Schoolwide, to ensure college readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities and support for success.

A National Demonstration School exhibits a college readiness system that is evident across the campus through rigor and high expectations for all students. There is significant evidence of AVID impact schoolwide, particularly with the infusion of AVID methodologies in content-area classrooms.