Breakout EDU on Thinglink Geometry review part 1

Final Exam Review Breakout EDU on a Thinglink 360 picture

This is a "Breakout EDU" on a 360 Thinglink. Breakout EDU is a puzzle game. The students are given clues to solve, that will open locks and lock boxes. They have to persevere, and collaborate to solve the puzzle. It's similar to the Escape rooms that are very popular right now. ( This is the three teams version. Each team has their own puzzle )

Email me at : for the directions. There is one clue that is not digital.

This is the one team or whole class version. Students can split up the the clues between them.

Choose the best version for your students.

This is the two teams version. Each team has their own version of the puzzle to solve.


5th period -Collaborating and very engaged as they solve the Final Exam Review Breakout