Game Play

Sessions are "open play". Open play is simply a predetermined time where pickleball players show up at the courts to play. You do not need to worry about finding three other players or not being able to play. All that you need to do is show up with your paddle. Each game will be limited to 12 minutes (with a 3 minute break) and players will rotate between courts based upon win/loss after each game (aka King's Court). Sessions will be limited to 20 participants ensuring that everyone has plenty of opportunity to play. 

Structured Level Play (King's Court):

The Structured Level Play format is a good option for handling sessions where there is a wide range of skill levels between players.Structured level play begins with players being assigned to courts based on their skill level. The more advanced players will play on Court A; beginners will play on Court D; while intermediate players will be spread across Courts B-C with the more skilled on Court B and less skilled on Court C. (Court D is closest to the glass, Court A is farthest from the glass). 

Games will be timed – 12 minutes. When the buzzer sounds, finish the rally and the team with the highest number of points will be the winner. If there is a tie, play one more rally and the winner of the rally is the winner of the game.

Round 1 – start when the Host announces it is time to start. Stop when the 12 minute buzzer sounds.

For Round 2, the winners on court A split onto opposite sides of the net; the winners on courts B/C/D will move to the next higher skill level (B->A, C->B, D->C) and split onto opposite sides of the net; the losers on court D split onto opposite sides of the net; the losers on courts A/B/C will move to the next lower skill level court (A->B, B->C, C->D) and split.

Follow the same process of splitting and moving up/down for additional rounds.

If there are more than 2 people wishing to play on a specific court, the extra players (no more than two waiting paddles behind any one court) will place their paddles along the back wall of court B or court C on which they wish to play. When the initial 4 players have completed their game, the next two people with paddles at the wall will split and step onto the court. The losing team moving down (to a higher lettered court) will sit out a game if there are any paddles waiting to come into play. No paddles are allowed behind the A or D courts.