Greetings Poplar Students and Families!
Materials Pick Up Day is August 21, 2024, 6:00-8:00 pm
Back to School Night is September 12, 2024, 6:30 pm, in-person
The First Day of Class is September 3, 2024
what to expect on day one
Students should report to the gymnasium by 8:00 am where they will receive a copy of their roster.
Students will also submit their summer projects on the first day of school.
Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, September 3
First Day of Class (Half-Day)
Classes begin at 8:15am - schedules will be distributed on the 1st day!.
Thursday, September 12
Back to School Night (In-Person) at 6:30 PM - No virtual meeting.
Meet the Principal, teachers, see your students classrooms and understand students expectations!
Thursday, Sept 26
Will be held at the Poplar Campus at 10:00 AM
Final Report Cards (2023-24, Current Families)
Final report cards are available via your student portal account.
Your username is your email address.
If you have forgotten your password, you may reset your password by going to
cityschool.org → click on “LOGIN” in the upper right corner → then click “Can’t access your account?” → follow the on screen instructions to reset your password.
School Supply Lists
Please use the links below to view the school supply lists and purchase school supplies as you normally would. If using Amazon, don't forget to use Amazon Smile to help The City School raise funds. See below for additional details
Amazon Smile
You can support The City School while shopping on Amazon! It's Free! The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.05% of what you spend to our school each time you place an order! Invite your family and friends too!
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
- Enter The City School, Philadelphia as your designated nonprofit organization to receive donations. (You will have to select from the list of charities, so be sure to look for our school.)
- Start shopping!
- Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at Amazon Smile & make sure you see the Amazon Smile logo on your screen as you place your orders on Amazon. This does not affect your Prime Membership in any way.
If you have questions about Amazon Smile, click this link.
Medical Forms + Medication Guidelines
Don’t forget your medical forms! Medical forms need to be completed before the first day of school. These forms include medical history, immunization record, physical and dental exams. The State of Pennsylvania requires all children entering school to be up-to-date with their immunizations. Students who are not in compliance with the state requirements will not be permitted to enter The City School until their health requirements are up-to-date.
(COVID-19 Vaccinations are NOT required at this time.)
Any student needing medication on campus must have medication accompanied with the following:
An action plan from the student's doctor
Medication must be labeled by the pharmacy
Medication must be brought to campus by the parent/guardian. Students are not permitted to deliver medication to the office.
Links to forms that need to be completed:
Course Selections
As we approach the beginning of the school year, we know you're anxious to know what classes you'll be taking! At this time, students in grades 6-11 do not need to complete any course selection forms. Rest assured -- more information will be coming about your schedule before school starts.
Individual students, particularly in grade 12, should look for emails from Mrs. Conde-Rodriguez and/or Mrs. Taylor -- especially if you didn't turn in a paper course request form at the end of the school year and/or are new to the school.
Please direct any urgent concerns to Mrs. Conde-Rodriguez (kconde-rodriguez@cityschool.org), who can help you about any major scheduling concerns.
Philadelphia Residents:
Students, grades 6-12, will be issued a STUDENT FARE CARD.
Student transpasses from Septa have been discontinued. Students will now receive student fare cards instead of transpasses. Each student (that is a Philadelphia resident) will receive ONE student fare card that they will keep for the entirety of the school year. Students are encouraged to keep their student fare card in a safe place.
Suburban Residents:
Please check with your school district for more information. Some districts provide busing and others provide transpasses. Please note suburban districts providing transpasses will supply them directly to the student. The City School is not supplied with transpasses or student fare cards to distribute to suburban students.
Car Riders:
If you plan to pick-up and drop-off your student, please use the Marshall Street entrance. If your student will no longer be a car rider, or if you would prefer that your student no longer use public transportation, please let the office know.
High School Student Drivers:
Student drivers need may park in the school lot or on the street.
Click the link below for uniform purchase guidelines. (Flynn & O’hara is the official vendor for school uniforms). See the full uniform guide and policies at https://cityschool.org/uniforms/
Gently used uniforms may also be acquired through our Home and School Association free of charge. Please email homeandschool@cityschool.org to request a uniform.
Free Meals!
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for our students.
Volunteering + Chaperoning
Parents interested in volunteering and/or chaperoning must have their clearances on file. To obtain clearances click the links below:
Criminal History: https://epatch.pa.gov/home
Child Abuse: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
By Mail: http://keepkidssafe.pa.gov/resources/clearances/pachildhistory/index.htm
Poplar Staff
Interim Principal | Mr. John Deaton jdeaton@cityschool.org
Dean of Students | Mr. Daniel Jackson djackson@cityschool.org
Office Manager | Ms. Cherie Hackett chackett@cityschool.org
Front Desk Manager | Mrs. Shaina Ritter sritter@cityschool.org
Middle School Teachers
Mr. Damir Gregory | History, dgregory@cityschool.org
Mrs. Maria Dreher | Spanish, mdreher@cityschool.org
Mr. Noel Terrell | Music, nterrell@cityschool.org
Ms. Autumn Neube | Music, aneube@cityschool.org
Mr. Michael Weatherbe | PE/Health/Bible, mweatherbe@cityschool.org
Mrs. Kayley Fjording | Math, kfjording@cityschool.org
High School Teachers
Mr. Kenneth Hunsberger | Math, khunsberger@cityschool.org
Mrs. Kayley Fjording | Math, kfjording@cityschool.org
Ms. Carmen Johnson | Spanish, cjohnson@cityschool.org
Ms. Vicki Taylor | Academic Support Coordinator, vtaylor@cityschool.org
Mr. Rich Lindberg | English, rlindberg@cityschool.org
Ms. Carla Robinson | History, crobinson@cityschool.org
Mrs. Megan Guensch | Bible, mguensch@cityschool.org
Mrs. Jessica Sinagra | Art, jsinagra@cityschool.org
Mrs. Katelin Conde - Rodriguez | College Guidance Counselor, kconde-rodriguez@cityschool.org
Be Bold City School Lions! We look forward to seeing you on campus. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions along the way.
Poplar Campus Office
215-731-1930, x101
Ms. Cherie Hackett, Office Manager, chackett@cityschool.org
Mrs. Shaina Ritter, Front Desk Manager, sritter@cityschool.org