Citadel Cyber Club

The Citadel Cyber Club is a group of cadets, day students, and faculty dedicated to improving Cyber-Awareness through hands on training, exercises, and lab experiments. Tri-monthly meetings focus on aspects of cyber-security including, but not limited to: Computer Systems, Cyber-law, Information Management, Physical Security, System Forensics, Red Team/Blue Team, Social Engineering, Ethical Hacking, and more!

Our Mission

The mission of the Citadel Cyber Club is to educate people in the field of Cyber Security by providing resources to propagate learning and immersion at every step in a cadet's journey.

Club Schedule

Find dates, times, and locations of our tri-monthly meetings!

Upcoming Events

Our Cyber Club and Cyber Defense Team stay active in several events. Past and upcoming events include:

October 12th-19th: NCL Preseason
October 19th-20th: Red Zone CTF (Cyber Team)
October 24-26: NCL Individual Game
November 6-8: NCL Team Game
November 7: CyberForce Competition
November 16-19: Hack the Building