Dot Day


Dot Day library Centers & gallery 2018

We used Adobe Draw on our iPads to "Mark a Mark and See Where it Will Take Us!"

Center #1

iPad Artwork - Students will use an iPad app to draw their dot. Then I will share screenshot/photo to International Dot Day Facebook page (via CIS Facebook account)

step 1

open Adobe Draw

step 2

draw your dot!

sign your name!

step 3

take a screenshot / save your artwork

Center #2

Students will use an iPad app to draw their dot. Then I will share screenshot/photo to International Dot Day Facebook page (via CIS Facebook account)


design your dot in this circle

Step 2

open the Quiver 3D app on the iTouch

step 3

scan your dot and watch it come to life!

center #3

What's Your Dot?! - Students will create a Google slide that includes their name written in Braille and clip art that represents some of their interests. The students will use the Braille Bug website to convert their name to Braille. They then used the shape tool and duplicate shortcut to create dots to form their Braille name. We will end up with one collective slideshow that will be displayed on our website!

Dot Day Braille

step 2

step 3

Insert photos or clip art the represent your interests