Welcome to Grade 3A!

Welcome to the Grade 3A Website!

My name is Francesca Durkan and I am thrilled to be teaching Grade 3 at St. Patrick's. I am looking forward to an exciting and adventurous year with your children. A special welcome goes out to our new families joining us this year!

To access information about our school website please click on the dropdown menu next to the home button. 

Please refer to this website for any information that you may require or feel free to email me at fdurkan@cisdv.bc.ca

September Prayer

What's Happening In 3A

September, October, November

Language Arts: Weekly spelling units, narrative, informative, and persuasive writing, correcting sentences with spelling and grammatical errors, focus on capital letters and punctuation, Mercy Watson, Lulu and Frog and Toad reading and comprehension, Handwriting Without Tears program, Read & Respond exercises, journaling.

Math: Skip counting, patterning, mental math(addition, subtraction and multiplication), review.

Social Studies: Cultural Suitcases, cultures around the world

Science: Biodiversity

Religion: Mary as the most faithful disciple, Praying the Rosary, getting to know the Saints

Technology and Design: Ipad use, coding, Epic Books, Lexia, Mathletics

Health and Career: Exploring and learning about mental health and social learning through our school programs Open Parachute and Incredible Flexible You.


Mr. Peter Chimich is our gym teacher.

P.E. is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students should come to school wearing their P.E. strip. All information can be found on the website.

Athletic News


Mme. Samantha Stone is teaching French. 

We have French from 1:00 -1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Miss Kathleen Seu is teaching Music

We have Music twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays.