Grade 5V
Bring your agenda book to school each day.
Check agenda book daily for homework or reminders.
Practice your times tables (up to 10x10) each night.
Wash your hands on a regular basis.
Thoroughly clean all items brought to school each day.
Wear a clean, laundered, uniform each day (winter uniform in effect).
Pack a litter-free lunch each day that includes healthy snacks and food.
Bring a clean, filled, water bottle to school each day and ensure it is labeled.
Wear/bring appropriate clothing for the weather. This may include a hat, sunscreen, rain boots, a warm jacket, a rain jacket, gloves, a toque, etc.
Upcoming Event
Friday, March 7th
Hot Dog Guys hot lunch
Wednesday, March 12th
Friday, March 14th
Green civvies for St. Patrick's Day
Report Cards go home
Noon dismissal for Spring Break (school back in session Monday, March 31st)
Wednesday, April 2nd
Early dismissal @ 1:40pm
Friday, April 4th
Romeo's hot lunch (pack utensils if necessary)
Friday, April 11th
School Closed - staff retreat
Monday, April 14th
Choir to GVPAF
Tuesday, April 15
ICS Showcase Concert
Friday, April 18th
School Closed - Good Friday
Monday, April 21st
School Closed - Easter Monday
Friday, April 25th
Civvies Day
Edo Japan hot lunch (pack utensils if necessary)
PISE Field Trip #1 (permission forms and info to come in early April)
Family Movie Night 6:00pm-8:30pm