

Shiobara, K. 2010. Derivational Linearization at the Syntax-Prosody Interface. Hituzi Shobo, Tokyo. 

(Available here)

Book chapters and columns 

塩原佳世乃. 2022. コラム2 統語と音のインターフェイス,  『言語研究の世界ー生成文法からの

アプローチ』(大津由紀雄、今西典子、池内正幸、水光雅則〔監修〕 / 杉崎鉱司、稲田俊一郎、磯部美和

 〔編集〕 ). 研究社.(Available here) (コンパニオン・サイトはこちら)(大津先生による本の紹介はこちら


Shiobara, K. 2004. Linearization: A Derivational Approach to the Syntax-Prosody Interface. Doctoral 

dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.  (Available here)

Recent papers

塩原佳世乃. 2023. 句の「左端」をめぐる諸問題.日本英文学会第95回大会 Proceedings. (Downloadable here)

Shiobara, K. 2023. Toward a phonological approach to the edges of NPs. Phonological Externalization Vol. 8,

  ed. by H. Tokizaki, 25-40, Sapporo University. (Downloadable here

Shiobara, K. 2023. A phonologial approach to argument structure: NPs and PPs. Journal of English 

 Linguistic Society (JELS) 40: Papers from the 40th Conference of the English

  Linguistic Society of Japan, 97-102.  

Shiobara, K. 2022. Remarks on Hirose's (2007) nominal paths. Phonological Externalization Vol. 7, ed. 

  by H. Tokizaki, 37-50, Sapporo University. (Downloadable here

Shiobara, K. 2021. EPP at the syntax-phonology interface. Phonological Externalization Vol. 6, ed. by 

H. Tokizaki, 13-24, Sapporo University. (Downloadable here)

塩原佳世乃. 2020. EPPの解釈. 日本英文学会第92回大会 Proceedings. (Downloadable here)

Shiobara, K. 2020. A note on multiple left branch condition. Phonological Externalization Vol. 5, ed. by 

H. Tokizaki, 1-12, Sapporo University. (Downloadable here)

Shiobara, K. 2019. Interpretation of an XP-YP structure at the interfaces: A division of labor between

  syntax and phonology. Phonological Externalization Vol. 4, ed. by H. Tokizaki, 47-56, Sapporo

  University. (Downloadable here)

Shiobara, K. 2019. Spelling-out a spell-out of an XP-YP structure: A case of coordinate structure, 

Journal of English Linguistic Society (JELS) 36: Papers from the 36th Conference of the English

Linguistic Society of Japan, 169-174.  

Shiobara, K. 2018. Toward the elimination of linear order from the computational component: A case

of left branch condition. Wa7 xweysás i nqwal’utteníha i ucwalmícwa: He loves the people’s

languages. Essays in honour of Henry Davis. Vancouver, BC: UBC Occasional Papers in Linguistics

  vol. 6, ed. by L. Matthewson, E. Guntly and M. Rochemont, 127-138.  (Available here)

Shiobara, K. 2016. A phonological approach to left branch condition: Evidence from exceptions in 

Japanese, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 79 (Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese

Linguistics (FAJL) 8), ed. by A. Sugawara, S. Hayashi, and S. Ito, 143-152.  (Available here)

Shiobara, K. 2015. Toward a unified explanation of multiple dependencies, Journal of English Linguistic

  Society (JELS) 32: Papers from the 32nd Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan


Shiobara, K. 2012. A prosodic approach to ditransitive idioms, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 64

  (Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL) 5, ed. by M. A. Tucker, 

A. Thompson, O. Northrup, and R. Bennett, 241-250.  (Available here)

Shiobara, K. 2011. Significance of linear information in phonologically constrained syntax, English

Linguistics 28-2, 258-277.  

Shiobara, K. 2009. A phonological view of phases, Interphases, ed. by K. Grohmann, 182-201, Oxford UP.  

(Available here)


塩原佳世乃.  2020.  EPPの解釈(『日本英文学会大会開催を機に』内), 週刊読書人3339, 7.

 (Available here or here)

Recent oral presentations and talks 

Conference presentations

塩原佳世乃. 2023. 句の「左端」をめぐる諸問題.日本英文学会第95回大会シンポジア「語順決定の諸問題」, 

5月20日, 関東学院大学 and online. (Website)

Shiobara, . 2023. Toward a phonological approach to the edges of NPs. The 13th workshop on Phonological

Externalization (phex 13), 12 February, online (hosted by Sapporo University). (Website)

塩原佳世乃. 2022. 項構造に対する音韻論的アプローチ:名詞句と前置詞句を中心に.日本英語学会

   第40回大会,11月5日, online. (Website)

Shiobara, K. 2022. Remarks on Hirose's (2007) nominal paths. The 12th workshop on Phonological Externalization

  (phex 12), 13 February, online (hosted by Sapporo University). (Website

Shiobara, K. 2021. EPP at the syntax-phonology interface. The 11th workshop on Phonological

  Externalization (phex11) , 13 February, online (hosted by Sapporo University). (Website with handouts)

塩原佳世乃. 2020. EPPの解釈. 日本英文学会第92回大会, 7月6-15日, web conference. (Website) (handout)

Shiobara, K. 2020. A note on multiple left branch extraction. The 10th workshop on Phonological

Externalization (phex10), 15 February, University of Tokyo, Komaba. (Website)

塩原佳世乃. 2019. インターフェイスから見るLeft Branch Extraction. 日本言語学会第158回大会, 

6月22日, 一橋大学. (Website

Invited talks

Shiobara, K. 2021. Eliminating leftness and rightness from syntax. Invited talk at the research seminar 

"sensing syntax" taught by Dr. Rose-Marie Déchaine, 25 (PST)-26 (JST) March, online (hosted by

  University of British Columbia). 

Class exchange

Invited Dr. Ruangjaroon to my Study Abroad Academics (SAA) class (Department of English, TWCU), 27 December, 2021, online (hosted by TWCU). Thank Add for a wonderful time; and hope the students enjoyed a sense of studying abroad.