Product Innovation

The grade 6 students are exploring the idea of "Product Innovation" as their very first unit in design class. Essentially new to the concept and rigors of the MYP Design subject, students embarked on creating innovative solutions to problems they have identified in existing products. 

Key concept



While exploring the concept of communication, students develop an awareness and understanding of how, why and when we need to ensure that clear messages are given and received throughout the design process. It ensures that ideas can be communicated clearly and that each person involved in the development of an idea from conception to use has a common and consistent understanding of the solution and its function. Communication drives invention to become an innovation.

When inquiring and analysing, students need to communicate with clients and target markets to identify the design needs. When developing ideas, students engage in internal dialogue, using design sketches and models to think through the feasibility of their ideas. When creating the solution, students need to develop clear plans that can be followed easily. The final product must also clearly communicate its intent and how a user interacts with it.

Related concepts


Innovation is the successful diffusion of an invention into the marketplace.


Perspective relates to the point of view of varius stakeholders involved in solving a problem. Stakeholders can have different perspectives and can include clients, target audiences, focus groups, consumers, manufacturers and experts.

Global context and exploration

Scientific and technical innovation

How do we understand the world in which we live? 

Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments; the impact of environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs.

Example Explorations

Systems, models, products, processes, and solutions • Adaptation, ingenuity, and progress • Modernisation, industrialization, and engineering • Digital life, virtual environments, and the Information Age 

Statement of inquiry

Communicating ideas through technological innovations can influence perspectives.

While students are still figuring out how to distinguish between factual, conceptual, and debatable questions they generated these questions to drive the inquiry further. 

What is a product?

What materials can be used to create a product?

What are the stages of making a product? - Thea

What are the important things about a product? -Rose

What are the problems you experience when making a product? - Sooji

What are the things that go in the product?-Jua

What are the essentials you need to make your product?- ali 

What happens to products that are unsuccessful? -Dammy

What is the hardest stage of making a product? -Dammy 

What are the most important things that you need to make a successful product - Bella

What is the problem when you create the product? - Yi Chi

What are the positive thing when you are making a product - Mael

What are the negative things about the product- AJ

What are the essential things you need to make a successful product? - Clare

How do you make a successful product?-Zach

What do you need to make a product? - Keigo

What are some marketing techniques?- Roshan Krishna

Jansen: What are the main principles of marketing?

How can people buy the product? - Yi Chi 

How do people put the product as an ad? - Keigo

How can ideas influence the outcome of products?

How can we make more products out of less resources?

How do designers create something that can sell well in the markets?

How do people start their business and keep on growing? - Sooji

How can you improve your product? AJ

Why is marketing important when you are selling a product?- Roshan Krishna

How can people believe the product?-Jua

How can we think about the environment when we make a product? - Thea

How can you convince people to buy your product?

How are materials produced to make products?-Zach

How can you make your product go viral?- ali

How can a business go viral?- Mael

How can people start businesses? - Clare

How can people fully make a product? -Rose 

Jansen: How can you mass produce a product with a small budget?

Jansen: What is a project that fits a user’s needs?

Are the products controlling us or are we controlling them?

Should we trust social media accounts that advertise their product?

Should we make a better virsion of our product?-AJ4

Danny: Should we trust apps and websites to not doxx us.

Should we be aware of the websites we upload our products on? - Sooji

Do the small businesses scam more?

Should we trust small businesses with sketchy advertisements? - Thea

Jansen: Is Social Media good for you?

Jansen: Are cellphones a need or a want?

Is social media trustable or reliable?- Roshan Krishna

Is social media a right platform for advertising?- Roshan Krishna

Do people get scammed when they trust small businesses?- Clare 

Should we trust random people on the internet when it comes to businesses?-ali 

Do we trust websites that have a lot of sketchy ads?-Zach 

Should we trust only shopping? - Mael      

How can we trust the product or seller online? - Yi Chi

Is the product reliable in social media? -Rose 

Should we trust small ads that come up? - Keigo

How can we know it’s not a scammer and the review on the product is real?-Jua