Mental Health Resources

*Cinnaminson Public Schools does not endorse or recommend any of these programs.  Resources are provided for informational and educational purposes only.

*Click on logo to be redirected to each resource's website for more information

Service which provides connections to mental health/counseling resources in the community

Inpatient Programs

Offer mental health, recovery, behavioral, & psychiatric programs

Outpatient Programs

In-Home Counseling

Mental & behavioral health counseling

Grief & Traumatic Loss

Grief & traumatic loss counseling & intervention programs

Grief & traumatic loss counseling & intervention programs

The Community Counseling Center of Moorestown VNA also provides depression screening

NJ Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth

Suicide Ideation & Prevention

Eating Disorders

provides intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, & residential treatment programs

provides group therapy, intensive outpatient, & day treatment programs