Violeta Martínez Escamilla

Hi! I am Violeta, a master's Science (Pure Mathematics) student at the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT) in Guanajuato, Mexico.

I received my bachelor's degree from the Universidad de Guanajuato (University of Guanajuato) in July 2022.

This page provides an overview of my research interests and academic timeline.

Contact: e-mail. violetamatinez[.]math[@]gmail[.]com   CIMAT Office. D617

curriculum vitae

From February 2021 to May 2023, I served as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Guanajuato, aiding in Vector Calculus and Real Analysis I for undergraduate students, and as a Teaching Assistant in Algebra, Calculus, and Geometry for High School students at CIMAT during the Spring of 2023, Fall of 2022, and Spring of 2021. 

mathematical interests

Mathematical Interests: My primary focus is functional analysis, particularly operator algebras. My master's thesis explores operator K-theory, C*-algebras, AF-algebras, and the classification of C*-algebras.

Thesis Work: I'm crafting my master's thesis with Dr. Roberto Hernández Palomares (University of Waterloo) as my advisor and Dr. Stephen Sontz (CIMAT) as my co-advisor. It revolves around Elliott's classification theorem, which deals with classifying AF-algebras by their ordered K_0-groups.

Favorite Graduate Courses: In graduate school, I enjoyed C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, Free Probability, and Functional Analysis. As an undergraduate, I was captivated by Measure Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Galois Theory, Algebraic Geometry, and General Topology.

Research projects (past and present)

Here are the slides of the presentation (in Spanish)

Topics: Double Wiring Diagrams and Total Positivity Criteria.

Topics: Introduction to C*-algebras, Hilbertian modules and K-theory.

Topics: Topological groups, monotectic groups, Haar measure, monotectic group structure theorems and character groups.

Here, I'm sharing some of the problems we collectively solved as a group. Additionally, I'm providing slides of a presentation I delivered on p-adic numbers (in Spanish).

Specific topics: p-adic analysis.

Specific topics: Extreme value distributions, Cramer-Lundberg model, probability of ruin, return periods and fit coefficient estimation.


You can find one of my talks about my thesis project here.

Training activities 

further experience

Training activities 

further experience


Pares Ordenados

Pares Ordenados is a Directed Reading Program (DRP) that pairs undergraduate and graduate students for semester-long collaborative reading projects. Last semester I worked with a math undergrad from Universidad del Valle (Colombia) on C* probability spaces.